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Exploring the role of networks and proximity for communication satisfaction in an academic library
Masters Theses, 2010-2019
  • Jennifer A. Keach, James Madison University
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0
Date of Graduation
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Education (MSEd)
Department of Learning, Technology and Leadership Education
Noorie K. Brantmeier
Robert W. Alexander
Juhong Christie Liu
Subject Categories

Researchers tie communication satisfaction within organizations to job satisfaction, productivity, and commitment, and yet supporting communication satisfaction remains a challenge for workplaces. This study proposes that network centrality and proximity both are related to communication satisfaction. Further, this study proposes that proximity actions—voluntary actions which increase proximity with co-workers—relate to network centrality. As employees increasingly work at a geographic distance from their co-workers, they increasingly experience proximity barriers to the already difficult task of staying informed through informal communication channels. This study is a mixed methods case study within an academic library.

Findings include the value of mixed methods studies for studying the topic as well as the importance of supporting proximity actions within the organization. The study also suggests multiple avenues for future research including additional qualitative data gathering to explore high-impact behaviors which support satisfaction with organizational communication between departments.

Citation Information
Jennifer A. Keach. "Exploring the role of networks and proximity for communication satisfaction in an academic library" (2016)
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