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About Kawena Begay

Dr. Kawena Begay is a licensed psychologist and nationally certified school psychologist with almost 20 years of experience working in culturally and linguistically diverse PreK-12 school settings in New Mexico, Washington, and Hawai’i. Dr. Begay served in a variety of roles, including classroom teacher, counselor, school psychologist, trainer, and consultant. Most recently, Dr. Begay worked at the UW Autism Center conducting research assessments, developing and delivering targeted trainings to schools and community organizations, and providing clinical assessment and therapy services to children, adolescents and parents. Dr. Begay’s varied background includes expertise in learning disabilities, ADHD, and autism spectrum disorder. Dr. Begay is passionate about effective teaching strategies for children from diverse backgrounds as well as best practices for appropriate identification services that lead to effective interventions. Dr. Begay holds a BA in Elementary Education (Early Childhood and Special Education) and a PhD in School Psychology.


Present Assistant Professor, University of Washington Tacoma Education


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