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About Katrina Bulkley

Dr. Katrina Bulkley is the Acting Dean of the College of Education and Human Services as well as a Professor of Educational Leadership and founding Chair (on leave) of the Department of Educational Leadership at Montclair State University. She has served as a leader in multiple capacities in addition to roles as chair and acting dean, including as a leader within large research teams and former chair of the Montclair State IRB.

Bulkley's research examines the intersection of policy and leadership in efforts to increase market-linked ideas in education and enhance accountability and data-driven change. She studies issues around the increasing use of new governance structures and non-public actors to improve public education (with a particular focus on urban education). She is the co-author of, "Challenging the One Best System: The Portfolio Management Model and Urban School Governance" (Harvard Education Press, November, 2020 - This project, funded through a Lyle Spencer Research Award by the Spencer Foundation ( examined the connections between governance change and educational practice in Denver, Los Angeles, and New Orleans.

As a Research Partner with the National Center for Research on Education Access and Choice (, she is studying state policy around issues of choice, including the role of charter school authorizers in addressing the needs of historically marginalized populations and the impact of COVID-19 on school choice.

In addition to articles published in journals including the American Educational Research Journal, Educational Administration Quarterly, and Educational Policy, she co-edited "Between Public and Private: Politics, Governance, and the New Portfolio Models for Urban School Reform" (with Jeffrey Henig and Henry Levin, Harvard Education Press, 2010) and "Taking Account of Charter Schools" (with Priscilla Wohlstetter, Teachers College Press, 2004). Her research has been supported by grants from funders including the Spencer Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Institute for Educational Sciences at the U.S. Department of Education, and the New Jersey Department of Education.

In her teaching, she focuses on the use of data and the tools of research at both the masters and doctoral level to help educators develop and enact academically and methodologically rigorous change that can be both impactful and sustainable.


Present Acting Dean, Montclair State University College of Education and Human Services


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Journal Articles (21)