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Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research (KNAER) FINAL REPORT
Education Publications
  • Carol Campbell, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto
  • Katina Pollock, Western University
  • Shasta Carr-Harris
  • Patricia Briscoe
Document Type
Publication Date

To review the utility of the KNAER, this Final Report provides:

  • an overview of the purposes, mission, governance, and operation of the KNAER;
  • analysis of roles and activities of the Planning and Implementation Committee (PIC);
  • discussion of the work of the university partners for the KNAER; and
  • analysis of the knowledge mobilization (KMb) strategies, successes and challenges of the 44 KNAER funded projects.

We conclude that KNAER has had high utility.

  • To inform recommendations for a future KNAER or other model(s), we draw on our analyses of the utility of the KNAER and also evidence gathered through: a review of relevant literature concerning KMb, research and practice connections and evidence-informed practice;
  • interviews with nine experts in these fields; and
  • a series of four strategic planning sessions with Ontario educators and researchers plus an online Twitter #KMbchat.

Our recommendation is the continuation but adaptation and evolution of the KNAER for a future model envisioned as KNAER Phase II.

Citation Information

Campbell, C., Pollock, K., Carr-Harris, S., & Briscoe, P. (2014, October). KNAER final report. (123 pp.). Toronto, ON: Ontario Ministry of Education