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Utah State University: English Composition Library Instruction Program – A Program within Programs
Hidden Architectures of Information Literacy Programs: Structures, Practices and Contexts
  • Katie Strand, Utah State University
  • Dory Rosenberg, Utah State University
  • McKenzie Hyde, Utah State University
Document Type
Contribution to Book
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Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0

This case study book chapter presents missions, allocation of resources and labor, supervisory structures, prioritization approaches, and other processes and structures required to make the English Composition Library Instruction Program work. The program consists of an integration with Utah State University’s English 1010 and English 2010 courses. Both of these courses have their own separate objectives and learning outcomes, and the overall goal is that once students finish (or test out of) both courses, they will have developed foundational research and writing skills related to rhetorical argumentation. Our goal in describing our program is to showcase an example of an internal structure that falls under a larger umbrella of information literacy goals and expectations library wide.

Citation Information
Strand, K., Rosenberg, D., Hyde, M. (2020). “Utah State University: English Composition Library Instruction Program – A Program within Programs.” Hidden Architectures of Information Literacy Programs: Structures, Practices and Contexts.