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MARC and Non-MARC Metadata for Digitized Government Documents
American Library Association Midwinter Meeting 2015 (2015)
  • Kathryn Lybarger, University of Kentucky
University of Kentucky digitized materials from their chosen agency, the Works Progress Administration (WPA). The titles had already been cataloged in MARC, but they needed Dublin Core metadata for loading the data into their digital library, and also MARC for the new electronic versions, cataloging according to current RDA standards. In this talk, the presenter will describe their workflow, and some of the difficulties encountered along the way.
  • MARC,
  • Non-MARC,
  • Metadata,
  • Government Documents,
  • Digitization,
  • Dublin Core,
  • Works Progress Administration,
  • WPA
Publication Date
February 1, 2015

A presentation delivered at the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting 2015 held in Chicago, IL.

Citation Information
Kathryn Lybarger. "MARC and Non-MARC Metadata for Digitized Government Documents" American Library Association Midwinter Meeting 2015 (2015)
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