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Contribution to Book
Crime Emergence and Simulation Modeling: Modeling Crime Space
When Crime Appears : The Role of Emergence
  • Patricia Brantingham, Simon Fraser University
  • Kathryn Wuschke, Portland State University
  • Richard Frank, Simon Fraser University
  • Paul J. Brantingham, Simon Fraser University
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
  • Crime -- Geographic information systems,
  • Geospatial data,
  • Criminal statistics,
  • Crime analysis,
  • Crimial behavior -- Mathematical models,
  • Criminology

This chapter explores several new modeling approaches and research findings, showing how they may be used to explore and enhance theory. There is a special emphasis on Target Choice Selection, focusing on Crime Pattern Theory and the Geometry of Crime (Brantingham and Brantingham, 1978a, 1984, 1991; Brantingham and Brantingham, 1981, 1993a, 2008). This exploration is described through a series of research examples and a case study of the target choice behavior of high repeat offenders. The goal is to explore the emergence of patterns better understood against the urban backcloths for high repeat offenders. Emphasis is in this case study is particularly placed on the structural backcloth but will be expanded in future studies to include other backcloth components such as the social, the cultural, the economic, and the derived vernacular architecture that combine with structural components to form neighborhoods.


This is the author's accepted manuscript for a chapter that was subsequently included in When Crime Appears : The Role of Emergence, published by Routledge in 2012. Edited by Jean Marie McGloin, Christopher J. Sullivan, Leslie W. Kennedy.

Note: At the time of writing, Dr. Wuschke was affilated with Simon Fraser University.

Persistent Identifier
Citation Information
Brantingham, P.L., Wuschke, K., Frank, R., and Brantingham, P.J. (2012). Crime Emergence and Simulation Modeling: Modeling Crime Space. In J. McGloin, C. Sullivan and L. Kennedy (Eds.), When Crime Appears: The Role of Emergence. London: Routledge.