A Matter of Perspectives: Studying the Persistence of Fourth-Year Urban Teachers From Two Preparation Programs
Urban Education
Recognizing the pressing problem of low teacher retention in urban schools, this qualitative study explores how two post-baccalaureate teacher education programs at the same university prepare candidates to persist in the profession. Through data analysis, it became clear that graduates of the Urban Teacher Residency program approached their students with an asset-based perspective, whereas graduates of the Master’s of Science in Teaching program often used deficit language to describe their students. We explore potential reasons for these varying approaches and consider how these perceptions relate to persistence. We conclude with recommendations for program design and delivery that emphasize asset-based approaches.
Publication Date
October 4, 2018
Citation Information
Kathryn Luet and Monika Williams Shaeley. "A Matter of Perspectives: Studying the Persistence of Fourth-Year Urban Teachers From Two Preparation Programs" Urban Education (2018) Available at: