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Review of Writing Program Administration at Small Liberal Arts Colleges by Jill M. Gladstein and Dara Rossman Regaignon
  • Kathryn Comer, Portland State University
Detailed review of Writing Program Administration at Small Liberal Arts Colleges, by Jill M.
Gladstein and Dara Rossman Regaignon, Parlor Press, 2012. 978-1-60235-306-0

This book arose from what the authors- themselves WPAs at
SLACs and active members of that community- call a
"superficially simple" question: "What, exactly, does writing
program administration at private small liberal arts colleges look
like?" Previous work on WPA issues has included but not
focused on this particular type of institution, a neglect redressed
to some degree by Paul Hanstedt and Tom Amorose's 2004
special issue of Composition Studies (32 . 2) and Patricia Donahue and
Gretchen Flesher Moon's 2007 collection Local Histories: Reading
the Archives ef Composition. Never theless, prior to this study there
had been no extensive, empirical research conducted on writing
programs in small liberal arts colleges. Writing Program
Administration at Small Liberal Arts Colleges effectively and
impressively fills that gap and will no doubt become a touchstone
for future research in this area.
  • Academic writing -- Study and teaching,
  • Writing centers -- Administration,
  • English language -- Rhetoric -- Study and teaching
Publication Date
Originally appeared in the Journal of Teaching Writing, vol. 29, no. 2 (2014), published by Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. May be found at
Citation Information
Comer, Kathryn B. "Review of Writing Program Administration at Small Liberal Arts Colleges. Jill M. Gladstein and Dara Rossman Regaignon." Journal of Teaching Writing 29, no. 2 (2014): 107-116.