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Unpublished Paper
Reflections on the Heritage of Librarianship: Carleton B. Joeckel, Frontpiece
  • Kathleen de la Peña McCook
The development of librarianship in the United States can be viewed with many lenses, but one method is a reflection on two awards bestowed by the American Library Association that recognize outstanding achievement and service. These are Honorary Membership and the Joseph W. Lippincott Award.Examined together these two awards, both requiring a nomination and jury process, may be viewed as guideposts to the development of librarianship in the United States as perceived by the members of the Association.
  • • history of librarianship,
  • • library history,
  • • University of Chicago,
  • • Library Quarterly
Publication Date
October, 2019

Includes two tables:
Table 1:
American Library Association Awards
Honorary Member, Lippincott Award 
(Reverse Chronological Order)
Table 2:
American Library Association Awards
Honorary Member, Lippincott Award 
(Alphabetical Order)
Citation Information
McCook, Kathleen de la Peña McCook, 2019. "Reflections on the Heritage of Librarianship in the United States" University of South Florida, School of Information. White Paper for classes in library history.