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Common Core, Commonplaces, and Community in Teaching Reading
Reading Teacher (2013)
  • Kathleen A. Roskos, John Carroll University
  • Susan B. Neuman

Joseph Schwab, a curriculum theorist, described four commonplaces, or universals, of teaching: content, students, milieu and teachers. This article considers how the Reading Standards of the ELA-CCSS are shaping these commonplaces in the teaching of reading. The organization of the Reading Standards, for example, focuses on two broad grade bands, K-5; 6-12 and its framework outlines curriculum content in three categories, foundations, literacy and informational reading. As a core set of expectations, the Reading Standards challenge learners of all ages and require a more participatory literacy environment. They ask more of beginning teachers who must set a brisk pace in reading instruction if students are to achieve expectations. The importance of community in building strong reading programs that meet high core standards is emphasized. New teachers are strongly encouraged to become actively involved in the implementation of core Reading Standards in their local professional communities.

Publication Date
March, 2013
Citation Information
Kathleen A. Roskos and Susan B. Neuman. "Common Core, Commonplaces, and Community in Teaching Reading" Reading Teacher Vol. 66 Iss. 6 (2013)
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