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Kill the Stigma! Teacher Expectancy in the Information Literacy Classroom
ACRL 2015 Proceedings (2015)
  • Kathleen Langan, Western Michigan University
There is a pervasive discontent among faculty regarding the ill-preparedness of incoming freshmen and there may be some truth to those assumptions. These anticipatory beliefs set into motion an environment of inequitable learning that often result in self-fulfilling expectations. Results from a recent case study confirm that a marked percentage of students are entering college with far less research and writing experience in high school than one would anticipate. Decades of work regarding the phenomena of teacher expectancy, stereotype threat, and stigma consciousness can and should be applied to the library classroom setting. Librarians have a different work set out for them from other instructors on campus. Not only do librarians have different sets of expectancies and threats to deal with, they are also currently engaged in the reworking of the ACRL vision of information literacy teaching and learning. In this presentation, the audience will learn more about teacher expectancy and other related pedagogical philosophies and how to apply them to their own teaching.
Publication Date
March 13, 2015
Citation Information
Kathleen Langan. "Kill the Stigma! Teacher Expectancy in the Information Literacy Classroom" ACRL 2015 Proceedings (2015)
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