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The Imperishable Virginity of Saint Maria Goretti
Gender & Society (1989)
  • Kathleen Z. Young, Western Washington University
Many Roman Catholic female saints have been virgin martyrs whose lives exemplify a feminine Christian ideal. This article examines the legend of the modern virgin martyr Maria Goretti, a spiritual template whose sainthood can be said to institutionalize violence by defining women as sexualized beings and potential rape victims. The social and psychological effects of the legend of Goretti are discussed as a form of spiritual and sexual terrorism.
  • Maria Goretti,
  • Female saints
Publication Date
December 1, 1989
Citation Information
Kathleen Z. Young. "The Imperishable Virginity of Saint Maria Goretti" Gender & Society Vol. 3 Iss. 4 (1989) p. 474 - 482
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