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Girls vs. boys in mathematics: Test scores provide one interpretation girls narratives suggest a different story
Teacher Education
  • Kathleen Jablon Stoehr, Santa Clara University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Girls vs. boys in mathematics: Test scores provide one interpretation girls narratives suggest a different story

This study seeks to provide a data based critique of the claims of gender equity in mathematics. Specifically, this paper is an analysis of the personal well-remembered events (WREs) told and recorded by women who are in the first course of their preservice teaching professional sequence. Importantly, these are women who are on the professional track to teach mathematics. Using a narrative based methodology, the writings provide another angle of the intricate pieces of equity (i.e. test results say both genders are just as capable, stories of females say otherwise). The themes center around the safe zones, struggles, embarrassment, competition, and self-fulfilling prophecies. From these stories, we see subtle illustrations of existing gender inequities in mathematics.


Reprinted with permission.

Citation Information
Stoehr, K. & Carter, K. (2011). Girls vs. boys in mathematics: Test scores provide one interpretation girls narratives suggest a different story. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Education, p. 3276–3283. Honolulu, HI.