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About Kathleen Conte

Kathleen has a PhD in Public Health from Oregon State University and Masters in Bioethics and Medical Humanities from the University of Louisville. Currently, she is a Senior Research Associate with the Homelessness Action and Research Collaboration. Her research aims to bridge communities, practitioners, and policy makers to facilitate health policy and program implementation. She has a strong interest in systems thinking theory and practice that encompass facilitation and quality improvement techniques for the preventive health and health system sectors. She has worked with communities here in Oregon and internationally on a range of health and social justice projects. She is an adjunct professor at the University of Sydney, and co-investigator on the Centre for Research Excellence in Strengthening Systems for Indigenous Health Care Equity (CRE-STRIDE) which places Indigenous people at the center of research processes to improve health care quality, access, and address social determinants that underlie health.


Present Senior Research Associate, Portland State University Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative

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