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Tournedo Gorge, a generative poem
Electronic Literature Collection (2016)
  • Kathi Berens, Portland State University
This JavaScript poem is anthologized in the Electronic Literature Collection. It remixes the original "Taroko Gorge" by M.I.T. professor Nick Montfort. My remix is a metacommentary on authoring poetry in JavaScript; I liken it to following a recipe and cooking. The language of the poem "mashes the procedural with the domestic, female, and tactile."
  • electronic literature,
  • JavaScript poetry,
  • generated poetry,
  • remix,
  • Taroko Gorge,
  • feminism
Publication Date
February, 2016
Stephanie Boluk, Jacob Garbe, Leonardo Flores, Anastasia Salter
Electronic Literature Organization
Citation Information
Kathi Berens. "Tournedo Gorge, a generative poem" Electronic Literature Collection Vol. 3 (2016)
Available at:
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