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Triaging wellbeing: A validated assessment tool for disenfranchised youth
Doing School Differently 2021 Conference, June 2020 Adelaide Australia. (Postponed due to COVID-19). (2020)
  • Katherine Dix, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
  • Emanuela Simos
In 2018, YouthPlus Central West Network commissioned the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) to validate the YouthPlus Young Person Wellbeing Rubric. It was established that there was little corporate knowledge about how or if the tool was being used and no formal processes in place to ensure that data were captured and managed in a consistent, meaningful and valid way across sites. For example, some sites were using the tool when a new student was enrolled, while others were using it once the student was better known by YouthPlus staff. The various domains within the tool were scored as raw data and did not have weighting or validation. By turning to the research literature and sourcing valid and reliable scales and items that map to the Domains and Aspects covered in the Rubric, revisions, and improvements were made to the Rubric to ascertain its face-validity.  Moreover, to better understand the context in which the Rubric was being used, ACER conducted a focus group with staff from FAME (Flexible and Meaningful Engagement) to ensure that the resulting revised tool was fit-for-purpose and met the needs of YouthPlus staff. Along with the revised Rubric, an interactive scoring spreadsheet was developed to better support data management and reporting needs. Accordingly, the presentation would outline the theoretical basis of validating the YouthPlus Young Person Wellbeing Rubric, showcase the interactive scoring spreadsheet and its application (for example, how this data can better inform our responses to young people's wellbeing needs) and the next steps required to achieve statistical validity.   
  • Well being,
  • Rubrics,
  • Youth,
  • Measures,
  • Mental health,
  • High risk students
Publication Date
June, 2020
Citation Information
Katherine Dix and Emanuela Simos. "Triaging wellbeing: A validated assessment tool for disenfranchised youth" Doing School Differently 2021 Conference, June 2020 Adelaide Australia. (Postponed due to COVID-19). (2020)
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