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Spreading Awareness about Discrimination and Disparities in Education
Student Leadership Exchange (SLX)
  • Abigail Botello, '24, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Kate DeGreve, '24, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Brooke Hilderbrant, '24, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Emma Rodriguez, '24, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Document Type
UN Sustainable Development Goal
UNSDG #4: Quality Education
Start Date
27-4-2022 9:55 AM
End Date
27-4-2022 10:15 AM

The goal of our Student Leadership Exchange (SLX) project is to spread awareness about racial discrimination and socioeconomic disparities within education. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UN SDG) that connects to this is Quality Education, or UN SDG number four. In the American education system, factors such as race and socioeconomic status play a large role in creating the disparities that negatively affect students. These gaps in early education are extremely difficult to get out of and may affect a person for the rest of their life.

In our SLX project, we hope to address these disparities. We have created two posters detailing these inequalities in order to convey the information in a brief, interesting way. Our target audience to reach is the student population here at IMSA. We will hang these posters around the main building by getting permission from Student Life and also send an email to all IMSA students. Our aspiration is that by creating these informational posters, we can display them around campus and send them to all IMSA students via Gmail so that more students will recognize and understand these gaps in the education system.

The main goal of our SLX project is to inform the IMSA community about racial and socioeconomic issues within the education system. A student struggling with these issues, individually or combined, can affect all aspects of their health and interest in school. This can make it harder for them to keep up, get good grades, and may make them feel like their efforts will be for nothing. Opening students' minds at IMSA can enable conversations about these issues and allow empathy to cultivate. We hope that bringing more eyes to this issue can promote future leaders to fight for equal access for every student and make people aware of barriers limiting students’ quality of education.

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International
Citation Information
Abigail Botello, Kate DeGreve, Brooke Hilderbrant and Emma Rodriguez. "Spreading Awareness about Discrimination and Disparities in Education" (2022)
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