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State Agency in the Time of the Global War on Terror: India and the Counter-Terrorism Regime
Review of International Studies (2010)
  • Karthika Sasikumar, San Jose State University

The evolving international counter-terrorism regime obliges and permits countries to make changes in their domestic and foreign policies. At the same time, policy-makers in national capitals respond creatively to the global regime. By examining India's response to the evolving international regime on terrorism, I will demonstrate the mechanism through which the regime is influencing Indian policy: by setting up an identity that the country can aspire to. Further, by highlighting the leveraging of regime norms by the Indian state to further its own projects, I will show that states are not restricted to either passively receiving and complying with international norms on the one hand, or rejecting them on the other.

  • state agency,
  • global war,
  • terror,
  • india,
  • terrorism regime
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Citation Information
Karthika Sasikumar. "State Agency in the Time of the Global War on Terror: India and the Counter-Terrorism Regime" Review of International Studies Vol. 36 Iss. 3 (2010)
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