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About Karthika Sasikumar

Dr. Karthika Sasikumar is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at San Jose State University. Dr. Sasikumar earned her Ph.D. from the Government Department at Cornell University in 2006. Her dissertation explores the interaction between India and the international nuclear nonproliferation order. Since then, her research has focused on the emerging global counter-terrorism regime.

Before coming to SJSU, Dr. Sasikumar was a Program Associate at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and an Associate in the International Security Program at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, both in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She has also been a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of British Columbia's Liu Institute for Global Issues in Vancouver, and a Predoctoral Fellow at the Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University. She received M.A. and M.Phil. degrees from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi .

Her theoretical interests are in International Relations theory, international regimes, global security, and media and discourse, while her regional interests are in South Asia (India and Pakistan) and Southeastern Europe (former Yugoslavia). Her current research projects deal with the adoption and adaptation of deterrence theory in South Asia, the implications of a 'renaissance' in nuclear power, and civil-military relations in nuclearizing countries. She strives to bring examples from contemporary politics into the classroom and enjoys engaging in dialogue and debate with students.


Present Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, San Jose State University

Curriculum Vitae

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Professional Service and Affiliations

2015 - Present Chair, Political Science Department Curriculum Committee
2009 - Present Member, Political Science Department Curriculum and Scholarship Committees
2015 Reviewer, Textbooks for California Open Educational Resources Council
2014 Member, CIES Dean Search Committee
2014 Chair, Political Science Department Recruitment Committee for Comparative Politics
2014 External reviewer, tenure review committee for a faculty member at a US SLAC
2011 - 2014 Chair, International Programs and Students Committee
2002 Member, Institute on Qualitative Research Methods, Arizona State University,
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Honors and Awards

  • Stanton Junior Faculty Nuclear Security Fellowship, 2010-11
  • College of Social Sciences-SJSU Research Foundation Grant, 2009
  • Dean’s Travel Grant Award, San José State University, 2009 and 2011
  • Junior Research Fellowship, American Institute of Indian Studies, 2002-03
  • Research Grants from the Einaudi Center, the Graduate School, and the Peace Studies Program, Cornell University, 2002
  • Kahin Prize for Outstanding Achievement, Government Department, Cornell University, 2002
  • Mellon Fellowship, Cornell University, 1999, 2000 and 2004
  • Junior Research Fellowship, Government of India, 1997-99
  • Fellowship for International Studies, Ford Foundation, New Delhi, 1995-96
  • Special Merit Scholarship for French, Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages, Hyderabad, India, 1995-98


2006 Ph.D., Cornell University ‐ Government
1999 MPhil, Jawaharlal Nehru University ‐ Centre for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament, School of International Studies
1999 MA, English and Foreign Language University ‐ French
1997 MA, Jawaharlal Nehru University ‐ International Politics

Contact Information


Journal Articles (16)

Book Chapters (12)