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An inventory of concrete measures to facilitate the flow of sustainable FDI: What? Why? How?
Investment Facilitation for Development (2020)
  • Karl P. Sauvant
  • Matthew Stephenson
  • Khalil Hamdani
  • Yardenne Kagan
The Inventory was prepared in the framework of the investment facilitation for development project undertaken by the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the German Development Institute (DIE). It is an informal and unofficial compilation of investment facilitation measures, their rationale and ways in which these measures are—or can be—implemented in practice. Iis a capacity-building tool meant to help participants engaged in the WTO negotiations of a multilateral framework on investment facilitation for development, paying special attention to measures that directly increase the development contribution of FDI. Following the agreed scope of the WTO negotiations, it does not include measures related to investment protection, investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) and market access. The Inventory can also be of use to investment promotion agencies seeking to facilitate FDI flows. 
Publication Date
November 26, 2020
Citation Information
Karl P. Sauvant, Matthew Stephenson, Khalil Hamdani, and Yardenne Kagan, An Inventory of Concrete Measures to Facilitate the Flow of Sustainable FDI: What? Why? How? (Geneva and Bonn: International Trade Centre and German Development Institute, Nov. 2020).