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An International Framework to Discipline Outward FDI Incentives?
Columbia FDI Perspectives (2019)
  • Karl P. Sauvant
  • Clémence Boullanger
As more countries report outward FDI, home country support for outward FDI is becoming more common, potentially leading to an escalating outward FDI-incentive competition (mirroring the “bidding-wars” on the inward FDI side). This Perspective proposes discussions on an international outward FDI-incentives agreement to avoid wasteful incentive competition among countries.
Publication Date
November 18, 2019
Citation Information
Karl P. Sauvant and Clémence Boullanger, "An International Framework to Discipline Outward FDI Incentives?", Columbia FDI Perspectives, no. 265 (18 November 2019).