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The rise of self-judging essential security interest clauses in international investment agreements (国际投资协定中基于安全利益单边裁决条款的兴起)
Columbia FDI Perspectives (2016)
  • Karl P. Sauvant
  • Mevelyn Ong
  • Katherine Lama
  • Thor Petersen
English Abstract: Self-judging “essential security interest” clauses permit a state to act as “it considers necessary” for the protection of such interests. This Perspective examines trends in their diffusion and scope, and outlines suggestions for treaty drafters to consider when balancing the desire for regulatory sovereignty with the need for legal stability.

Chinese Abstract: 基于安全利益单边裁决条款允许国家以“其认为必要”的方式行事,以保护这些利益。本文探讨了其扩散和范围的趋势,并概述了条约起草者在平衡监管主权的愿望与需要法律稳定时的考虑。

Note: Downloadable document is in English and Chinese.
Publication Date
December, 2016
Citation Information
Karl P. Sauvant and Mevelyn Ong, with Katherine Lama and Thor Petersen, "The rise of self-judging essential security interest clauses in international investment agreements," Columbia FDI Perspectives, no. 188, December 5, 2016.