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Three Challenges for China’s Outward FDI Policy (中国对外直接投资政策的三大挑战)
Columbia FDI Perspectives (2013)
  • Karl P. Sauvant, Columbia University
English Abstract: China faces three main challenges: in the short-term, dealing with the growing skepticism with which its FDI is perceived in some host countries; in the medium-term, responding to efforts to discipline the use of home country measures; in the long-term, contributing to the establishment of a multilateral framework for investment.

Chinese Abstract: 中国面临三大挑战:短期内需要考虑如何应对日益增长的某些东道国对中国OFDI 的怀疑论;中期如何应对某些发达国家管制;长期则需要构建多边投资框架。

Note: Downloadable document is in both English and Chinese.
Publication Date
October 14, 2013
Citation Information
Karl P. Sauvant, “Three Challenges for China’s Outward FDI Policy,” Columbia FDI Perspectives, no. 106 (14 October 2013).