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From the FDI Triad to Multiple FDI Poles? (FDI 格局:从三极到多极)
Columbia FDI Perspectives (2011)
  • Persephone Economou
  • Karl P. Sauvant, Columbia University
English Abstract: Twenty years ago, in the inaugural issue of the World Investment Report, the United Nations highlighted a shift in the global pattern of foreign direct investment (FDI) from bipolar, dominated by the United States and the European Community, to tri-polar (the FDI Triad), dominated by the European Community, the United States and Japan.

Chinese Abstract: 在 20 年前的首期世界投资报告中,联合国指明了全球 FDI 模式的一个转变,即从由美国与欧共体主导的两极模式转变为由美日欧主导的三极模式。

Note: Downloadable document is available in English and Chinese.
Publication Date
July 18, 2011
Citation Information
Persephone Economou and Karl P. Sauvant, “From the FDI Triad to Multiple FDI Poles?,” Columbia FDI Perspectives, no. 42, 18 July 2011.