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Optimizing the Classroom Experience by Collaborating with Colleagues
The Second Draft (Legal Writing Institute)
  • Karin Mika, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Cleveland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • collaboration,
  • crossover,
  • doctrinal course

Collaborations with colleagues, whether those colleagues are legal professionals or one’s doctrinal colleagues, can provide an enhanced learning experience for both professor and student in the Legal Writing classroom. Through these collaborations, Legal Writing professors can provide more substantive knowledge on a subject matter than they may have been able to provide in an individual capacity during a classroom lecture. Moreover, multiple-source inputs to the learning experience provide various viewpoints with the potential to increase the knowledge absorbed. Finally, collaborations have the potential of showing students the “big picture” that law is not an experience isolated within each class, while also demonstrating to doctrinal colleagues that our educational goals are intimately related and build upon each other.

Citation Information
Karin Mika. "Optimizing the Classroom Experience by Collaborating with Colleagues" The Second Draft (Legal Writing Institute) Vol. 32 Iss. 1 (2019) p. 17 - 19
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