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About Karin Bartoszuk

Dr. Bartoszuk earned her B.S. in Psychology summa cum laude and her M.S. in Counseling Psychology (Mental Health Concentration) at Texas A&M – Central Texas. She received her Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Studies at Auburn University. Her research interests focus on emerging adulthood, identity development during adolescence and the transition to adulthood, transition to college, and family relationships.Dr. Bartoszuk started working at ETSU in 2005 as a professor in the HDAL department and currently serves as Associate Dean in the School of Graduate Studies. Within this function, she oversees admissions, scholarships, awards, matriculation, and graduation. She is the editor of Illuminated: A Graduate Student Research Magazine. Before coming to ETSU, she served as faculty member and as the Child and Adolescent State Specialist at North Dakota State University for three years. In this position, she received numerous federal and state grants and implemented and evaluated programs for children and adolescents and their families.


Present Associate Dean, East Tennessee State University College of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education
Present Professor, East Tennessee State University Department of Educational Foundations and Special Education

Curriculum Vitae


2017 An Analysis of Current Practices and Effectiveness of Professional Development in Special Education in Rural Environments
Spencer Grant
Role: CoPI, Methodologist
Colleague(s): Fox, J. (PI), Mims, P., (CoPI)
2010 - 2011 Project REGAE (recruit, engage, graduate, and employ)
Clemmer College of Education
2010 - 2011 Transition to adulthood and family functioning among college students and their families
East Tennessee State University
Research and Development Grant
2005 - 2010 Building Connections
New Community Project CYFAR Grant
Role: Principal Investigator
Colleague(s): Brotherson, S. & Schmalz, K.
2004 - 2009 Building Connections
New Community Project CYFAR Grant
Role: Principal Investigator
Colleague(s): Pleban, F., Brotherson, S., & Schmalz, K.
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Professional Service and Affiliations

Present Membership Committee, Conference of Southern Graduate Schools (CSGS)
Present Member, Council of Graduate Schools
Present Member, Council of Southern Graduate Schools
Present Member, Council of Tennessee Graduate Schools
Present Reviewer, Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory, & Practice
Present Reviewer, Journal of Early Adolescence
Present Reviewer, Journal of Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research
Present Member, Society for Research on Adolescents
Present Member, Society for Research on Child Development
Present Conference Submission Reviewer, Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood
Present Member, Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood
Present Member, Tennessee Council of Graduate Schools
Present Member, The International Society for Research on Identity
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Honors and Awards

  • 2005 - Nominated for College of Human Development and Education Exceptional Contribution for Student Development Award
  • 2007 - Program Excellence Award for Building Connections
  • 2010 - Nominated for East Tennessee State University Clemar College of Education Faculty Award for Teaching
  • 2010 - Facult Award for East Tennessee State University Clemar College of Education Faculty Award for Diversity
  • 2012 - Phi Kappa Phi Selection for Inclusion


  • Teaching Pedagogy: GRAD 5110
  • Developmental Psychology 2
  • Methods of Research
  • Advanced Adolescent Psychology
  • Understanding Cultural Development
  • Cultural Influences on Development
  • Analysis and Interpretation of Research Designs
  • Families in Cross Cultural Perspectives
  • Developmental Lifespan Psychology


2002 PhD, Auburn University ‐ Human Development and Family Studies
1996 MS, Texas A&M University-Central Texas ‐ Counseling Psychology
1995 BS, Texas A&M University-Central Texas ‐ Psychology

Contact Information

PO Box 70720
Johnson City, TN 37614

Office: Burgin-Dossett 309C
Phone: 423-439-4704


Articles and Reviews (9)

Invited Presentations/Outreach/Workshops (12)

Book Reviews (2)

Books (2)