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A Department Wide Focus on Scholarly Research in Educational Leadership
Annual Conference on Innovative Pedagogy & Course Redesign
  • Maureen Fitzpatrick, Sacred Heart University
  • Mary Yakimowski, Sacred Heart University
  • Randall Glading, Sacred Heart University
  • Michael Barber, Sacred Heart University
  • Ann Clark, Sacred Heart University
  • Tom Forget, Sacred Heart University
  • Karen Waters, Sacred Heart University
DSB 104A
Start Date
29-5-2015 3:40 PM
End Date
29-5-2015 5:00 PM
Session Type
Poster Presentation

This past fall, faculty in the Department of Literacy and Leadership in the Farrington College of Education at Sacred Heart University created a professional learning community to conduct a scholarly study. Coming from two campuses, this interdisciplinary, seven-member team with very diverse areas of expertise and research experience began its collaborative endeavor by first identifying colleagues’ strengths and interests to refine a topic to pursue together. Using a variety of collaborative strategies and technologies the team is successfully on target to conduct a major scholarly study entitled, Leadership Attributes Perceived by Practitioners to be Necessary to Affect Positive Change.

Citation Information
Maureen Fitzpatrick, Mary Yakimowski, Randall Glading, Michael Barber, et al.. "A Department Wide Focus on Scholarly Research in Educational Leadership" (2015)
Available at: