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"I Didn't Do it the Right Way": Women's Careers as Faculty in Higher Education Administration
Journal of the Professoriate
  • Karen J. Haley, Portland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Women college teachers,
  • Career development,
  • Women -- Education (Higher) -- United States

This article explores the career paths of women faculty in Higher Education Administration graduate programs based on the results of a qualitative study of 18 faculty members at 14 different institutions. The majority of faculty members made their career choice during their undergraduate program, however, most participants in this study made their decision to follow a faculty career after entering a doctoral program or after completing their doctoral degree. Adding the post-doctoral decision point to Bowen and Schuster's (1997) process of career choice acknowledges the contribution of seasoned professionals to the field of Higher Education Administration and reflects the flexibility of a career path that may be conducive for women as they navigate a faculty career and family obligations.


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Citation Information
Haley, K., & Jaeger, A. (2012). "I didn't do it the right way": Women's careers as faculty in higher education administration. Journal Of The Professoriate, 6(2), 1-26.