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A Collective Biography: Women Macro Social Work Academics
SAGE Research Methods Cases (2014)
  • Mary Katherine O'Connor, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Karen Hopkins, University of Maryland, College Park
  • Jenny L. Jones, Florida A&M University
  • Youngmi Kim, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Elizabeth A. Mulroy, University of Maryland, Baltimore
  • F. Ellen Netting, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Karen Smith Rotabi, United Arab Emirates University
  • Marie O. Weil, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
In 2012, we tested a qualitative research method, collective biography, which was new to us. In the case that follows, we begin by making distinctions between prosopography, biography, autobiography, auto/biography, and collective biography in order to clarify our research focus. We then delineate our original intent following the collective biography method described by Bronwyn Davies and Susanne Gannon. We follow this with a discussion of our actual implementation giving attention to what was hoped for and finally enacted by 12 women macro social work academics. Strengths and challenges of the design and our process are examined along with ideas for future use of collective biography as a method of knowledge building. We expand upon eight practical lessons learned: (1) recognize the importance of group composition; (2) acknowledge the perceived risks in writing memories; (3) expect participants to view boundaries in various ways; (4) trust the process; (5) be sensitive to power dynamics, no matter how the stage is set; (6) acknowledge the paradox between the subjective process and objective product; (7) consider alternative research products that do not necessarily conform to standard expectations; and (8) remember that this is a research process, not intended to be therapy.
Publication Date
Citation Information
Mary Katherine O'Connor, Karen Hopkins, Jenny L. Jones, Youngmi Kim, et al.. "A Collective Biography: Women Macro Social Work Academics" SAGE Research Methods Cases (2014) p. 1 - 15
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