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Induction of doctoral graduates in mathematics education into the profession
U.S. Doctorates in Mathematics Education: Developing Stewards of the Discipline - See more at: (2008)
  • Robert E. Reys
  • Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Pennsylvania State University - Main Campus
  • Karen A. Marrongelle, Portland State University
  • Matthew Winsor, Illinois State University
Mathematics education in the United States will be shaped at all levels by those who hold doctorates in the field. As professors, they influence the structure and content of university programs in mathematics education, where future teachers are prepared. As scholars, they engage in research and lead us to a deeper and better understanding of the field. This book is a detailed study of doctoral programs in mathematics education. It stems from a national conference sponsored by the National Science Foundation. It involved participants from across the United States, as well as Brazil, Japan, Norway, and Spain, and followed up the work of an earlier conference, published in One Field, Many Paths: U.S. Doctoral Programs in Mathematics Education (Volume 9 in this series). - See more at:
  • Mathematics -- Study and teaching -- United States,
  • Doctor of mathematics degree -- United States,
  • Doctor of education degree -- United States,
  • Mathematics as a profession
Publication Date
Robert E. Reyes, John A. Dossey
American Mathematical Society
Issues in mathematics education
Publisher Statement
© 2008 American Mathematical Society; In cooperation wtih Mathematical Association of America, Washington, D.C.
Citation Information
Reyes, B., Lloyd, G., Marrongelle, K., & Winsor, M. (2008). Induction of doctoral graduates in mathematics education into the profession. In R. Reys & J. Dossey (Eds.), U.S. Doctorates in Mathematics Education: Developing Stewards of the Discipline (Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences issues in mathematics education v. 15). Providence, RI: The American Mathematical Society.