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A Casual Path Model of the Overall User Attitudes toward the MIS Function: The Case of User Information Satisfaction
Information & Management (1992)
  • Kailash Joshi, University of Missouri–St. Louis
MIS literature has identified the importance of user attitude toward MIS, which is measured by user information satisfaction (UIS). However, poor user evaluation of the function remains a problem in many organizations. In this paper we examine factors that may influence UIS and their relative influence or importance. The paper evaluates some alternate causal path models of UIS involving traditional factors such as quality of information products, knowledge and involvement, and attitude towards EDP staff and service, along with three new factors: equity in the allocation of MIS resources, role conflict, and role ambiguity. Data from a cross-sectional survey involving 324 users is employed to evaluate the causal path models through path analysis. Equity was found to be the most important variable influencing UIS. The importance of equity identified here supports the existence of struggle for obtaining scarce MIS resources reported by other researchers. The results also highlight a need for the establishment of mechanisms and structural arrangements for fair allocation of resources.
Publication Date
February 1, 1992
Citation Information
Kailash Joshi. "A Casual Path Model of the Overall User Attitudes toward the MIS Function: The Case of User Information Satisfaction" Information & Management Vol. 22 Iss. 2 (1992) p. 77 - 88
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