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Person-job Fit as a Moderator of the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMIS CPR conference on Computer personnel doctoral consortium and research (2008)
  • Kyootai Lee, University of Missouri–St. Louis
  • Kailash Joshi, University of Missouri–St. Louis
  • Youngkyun Kim, Incheon City College, Incheon, South Korea
Information systems development requires developer skills and abilities that may go beyond traditional technical expertise. The IS development environment provides a rich arena for the interplay of emotional intelligence, creativity, and performance where these variables are likely to play a significant role. Based on a synthesis of the IS and other relevant literature, this paper presents a model that identifies the influence of emotional intelligence and creativity on job performance. The model also identifies the likely moderating influence of person-job fit in the relationships of EI and creativity to job performance for IS professionals. The paper outlines an empirical study that plans to investigate and test the proposed model.
Publication Date
April 3, 2008
Citation Information
Kyootai Lee, Kailash Joshi and Youngkyun Kim. "Person-job Fit as a Moderator of the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance" Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMIS CPR conference on Computer personnel doctoral consortium and research (2008) p. 70 - 75
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