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Contribution to Book
Real Time Video Stitching by Exploring Temporal and Spatial Features
MOBIMEDIA 2017: Proceedings of the 10th EAI International Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communications
  • Shaoen Wu, Ball State University
  • Kelly Blair, Ball State University
  • Junhong Xu, Ball State University
  • Hanqing Guo, Ball State University
  • Kai Wang, Georgia Southern University
  • Lei Chen, Georgia Southern University
Document Type
Contribution to Book
Publication Date

Although image stitching has been investigated for years, realtime video stitching still lacks of e cient methods to meet the required frame rate for satisfactory human vision experience. This work pro- poses e cient video stitching solutions by exploiting both temporal and spatial features among video frames. As a result, the stitching speed is signi cantly improved with two techniques by exploiting: (1) the dimmension of distance (spatial) by focusing only on the region of frame overlap and (2) the dimmension of time (tempo- ral) by reusing homography information across multiple frames. Based on these two techniques, this paper presents three solutions to determine submiages for rapid stitching the video frames from side-by-side cameras. This work implements these solutions into a video stitcher. The evaluation over video streams shows that the proposed solutions can stitch the video at 6.5 frames per second (fps) in contrast to 1.5 fps in conventional imaging stitching approaches, which is over 400% improvement on stitching speed performance, but at the cost of a marginal drop in accuracy.

Citation Information
Shaoen Wu, Kelly Blair, Junhong Xu, Hanqing Guo, et al.. "Real Time Video Stitching by Exploring Temporal and Spatial Features" Brussels, BelgiumMOBIMEDIA 2017: Proceedings of the 10th EAI International Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communications (2017) p. 228 - 233
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