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Some Things are Better Left Not Unsaid: An Exploratory Study of the Communicatively-Restricted Organizational Stressor
  • Justin P. Boren, Santa Clara University
  • Alice E. Veksler
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National Communication Association

In organizations, individuals seek the support of others to manage their day-to-day stress. Researchers within a social support paradigm have found that individuals who have communicative outlets to discuss their stressors are healthier psychologically and physiologically. To the extent that those outlets are restricted, individuals may suffer the deleterious effects of stress. Therefore, this manuscript conceptualizes and explores one such stressor, the Communicatively-Restricted Organizational Stressor (CROS). Based on a sample of 405 organizational members, we identified the existence and explicated the nature of this stressor. Results were generally inconclusive. Discussion focused on significant findings and the need for better operationalization of this stressor. Implications and future directions explored the potential utility of this line of research.

Citation Information
Veksler, A. E. & Boren, J. P. (2011, November). Some things are better left not unsaid: An exploratory study of the communicatively-restricted organizational stressor. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA