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The Influence of Being "Out" on Perceptions of Managerial Credibility and Positive Affect
  • Justin P. Boren, Santa Clara University
  • Mary B. McPherson
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Rocky Mountain Communication Review

The purpose of this study was to determine if the revelation of sexuality by a gay man or lesbian manager would affect potential employees' perceptions of that manager. Using EVT, three hypotheses predicted that the manner in which information is revealed about the manager influences perceptions of that revelation as a violation, as well as perceptions of managerial credibility and positive affect. Employed participants (N = 470) completed surveys about a hypothetical manager. Results showed that the manner in which managers' sexuality was revealed influenced levels of expectedness. Mixed results were found for credibility and positive affect. The relationship between variables is discussed and practical applications of this material are presented.

Citation Information
Boren, J. P. & McPherson, M. B. (2009). The influence of being “out” in the workplace on perceptions of managerial credibility and affect. Rocky Mountain Communication Review, 6(2), 6 - 17.