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Review of Derek Jarman by Michael Chatsworth
Film-Philosophy (2013)
  • Justin Remes, Oakland University
Many of the greatest avant-garde filmmakers have engaged in artistic
practices that went far beyond the domain of cinema: think of Man Ray’s
photographs, Jean Cocteau’s poetry, and Michael Snow’s forays into
sculpture and jazz. Much the same can be said of Derek Jarman. While he
was directing some of the most important experimental films ever
produced—such as The Last of England (UK/West Germany, 1988) and
Blue (UK, 1993)—he was also creating strikingly original poems, paintings
and gardens. Since a substantial amount of scholarship on Jarman engages
only with his films (at the expense of his other artistic endeavours), it is
refreshing to read Michael Charlesworth’s Derek Jarman, a monograph on
the prolific polymath that analyses his art as a whole, unifying his diverse
practices into a cohesive aesthetic—and ethic.
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Copyright Justin Remes 2013
Citation Information
Justin Remes. "Review of Derek Jarman by Michael Chatsworth" Film-Philosophy Vol. 17 Iss. 1 (2013) p. 484 - 486
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