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About Jungme Park

Dr. Park’s research interests lie in the area of environmental perception for autonomous driving, driver awareness detection, deep neural networks, and artificial intelligent application development. She had worked as a research scientist at the University of Michigan-Dearborn and had accomplished a variety of research projects successfully. In 2014, she moved into automotive industry and worked as a senior research engineer at Hyundai Mobis and Changan US R&D center. Her main contributions are 1) development of a North America traffic sign recognition system, 2) generation of high definition maps for autonomous driving using Camera and GPS sensors, and 3) evaluation of different GNSS systems.  
After she joined Kettering University, she established her research lab, ADAI (Autonomous Driving and Artificial Intelligence) lab in 2017. She is actively conducting researches with students in the research topics, sensor fused environmental perception for autonomous driving, deep neural networks for object detection, and artificial intelligent application development.

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Present Associate Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Kettering University Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering


2020 - Present Intelligent System Development for Sensor Fault Detection
Navistar, Inc.
Role: PI
2019 - Present The Robert Bosch Centennial Professorship
Kettering University
Role: PI
2019 - 2020 Artificial Intelligent Systems for Mass air Flow prediction and Engine Misfire Detection
Navistar, Inc.
Role: PI
2018 - 2019 Integration of Automotive Radar with a Vision Sensor for Object Detection using DNNs
Optimal Inc.
Role: PI
2013 - 2014 Advanced Speed and Energy Profile Trip Modeling using Static and Dynamic Information: PHASE III
Ford Motor Inc
Ford -UM alliance program grant
Role: CO-PI
2011 - 2013 Advanced Speed and Energy Profile Trip Modeling using Static and Dynamic Information: PHASE II
Ford Motor Inc
Ford -UM alliance program grant
Role: CO-PI
2010 - 2011 Advanced Speed and Energy Profile Trip Modeling using Static and Dynamic Information: PHASE I
Ford Motor Inc
Ford -UM alliance program grant
Role: CO-PI
2009 - 2010 Vehicle Implementation and Evaluation of Energy Management Strategy based on Machine Learning Approach
Ford Motor Inc
Ford -UM alliance program grant
Role: CO-PI
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Honors and Awards

  • The Robert Bosch Centennial Professorship, 2019-Current

Contact Information

2-7030 AB
(810) 762-7852

Recent Research Works (16)

Patents (2)

Journal/Books (~ 2012) (6)