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Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube-Based Nanodevices Using a Combination Technique of Focused Ion Beam and Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
Applied Physics Letters
  • Jianfeng Wu, Portland State University
  • Micah Eastman, Portland State University
  • Timothy Gutu, Portland State University
  • Madeline Wyse, Portland State University
  • Jun Jiao, Portland State University
  • S.-M. Kim, University of Cambridge
  • M. Mann, University of Cambridge
  • Y. Zhang, University of Cambridge
  • K. B. Teo, University of Cambridge
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Nanotubes,
  • Nanoelectromechanical systems,
  • Transmission electron microscopy,
  • Focused ion beams
This study focuses on the fabrication of two nanodevice prototypes which utilized vertical and horizontal carbon nanotubes used the focused ion beam to localize the catalysts, followed by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. First, metal-gated carbon nanotube field emitter arrays were fabricated on multilayer substrates containing an imbedded catalyst layer. Second, horizontally aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes were grown on a transmission electron microscopy grid. This allows the carbon nanotubes to be directly analyzed in a transmission electron microscope. It is expected that the methodology introduced here will open up opportunities for the direct fabrication of carbon nanotube based nanodevices.

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Citation Information
Wu, J., Eastman, M., Gutu, T., Wyse, M., Jiao, J., Kim, S. M., ... Teo, K. B. K. (2007). Fabrication of carbon nanotube-based nanodevices using a combination technique of focused ion beam and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. [Article]. Applied Physics Letters, 91(17),