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A High-Sensitivity Resonant Tangential E-Probe with Loaded Improved Dipole and Embedded Integrated Balun
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
  • Jianwei Wang
  • Zhaowen Yan
  • Wei Liu
  • Donglin Su
  • Xin Yan
  • Jun Fan, Missouri University of Science and Technology

In this paper, a high-sensitivity resonant probe for capturing tangential E -field component is fabricated on a four-layer printed circuit board. The resonant probe consists of an improved dipole employed to further enhance sensitivity, a resonator made up of open- and short-circuit stubs achieving specific resonance, and an integrated Marchand balun used to transform the differential-mode voltage to the single-end output and match the instrument port impedance match. Compared with the referenced broadband probe, the relative sensitivity of the proposed resonant probe in terms of |S12| is enhanced by 13.21 and 14.82 dB for simulation and measurement, respectively. The absolute sensitivity in terms of the noise-equivalent field strength (NEFS) is 26.4 dBµV(Hz)1/2 . The measurements of the passive circuits (microstrip lines and coupled lines) and active circuit module are conducted to validate the resonant probe.

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Center/Lab(s)
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Laboratory
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant 61427803 and Grant 61271044 and in part by the Defense Industrial Technology Development Program under Grant JCKY2016601B005.
Keywords and Phrases
  • E-Field Probe,
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC),
  • High Sensitivity,
  • Marchand Balun,
  • Noise-Equivalent Field Strength (NEFS),
  • Resonant Tangential
Document Type
Article - Journal
Document Version
File Type
© 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Publication Date
01 Aug 2019
Citation Information
Jianwei Wang, Zhaowen Yan, Wei Liu, Donglin Su, et al.. "A High-Sensitivity Resonant Tangential E-Probe with Loaded Improved Dipole and Embedded Integrated Balun" IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Vol. 68 Iss. 8 (2019) p. 3042 - 3044 ISSN: 0018-9456; 1557-9662
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