S-Parameters are the most common way to describe electrical behavior of linear electric networks. However, any available S-Parameters that is available for describing a physical system is not perfectly accurate and does not describe it comprehensively. It becomes important to be able to estimate the quality of existing data in order to achieve reliability of the results and conclusions developed based on it. A metric is created in the present work to estimate a physical system based on passivity, reciprocity and causality properties in physical units. First, based on the original S-Parameters, will be created passive, causal and reciprocal S-Parameters; then similarity metric will be defined in time domain to get estimation in physical units; finally similarity metric in time domain will be applied between original and passive, causal and reciprocal matrices to get correspondingly passivity, causality and reciprocity estimations in physical units.
- Circuit Theory,
- Electromagnetic Compatibility,
- Impulse Response,
- Linear Networks,
- Parameter Estimation,
- Scattering Parameters,
- Causality,
- Causality Property,
- Electrical Behaviors,
- Passivity,
- Physical Systems,
- Quality Estimation,
- Reciprocity,
- Similarity Metrics,
- Electric Network Parameters,
- Impulse Response,
- S-Parameters,
- Delays,
- Estimation,
- Matrix Decomposition,
- Time-Domain Analysis, Eigenvalues And Eigenfunctions,
- Linear Network Analysis,
- Matrix Algebra,
- Passive Networks,
- Physical System,
- Causality Properties,
- Physical Units,
- Similarity Metric,
- Passive Matrices,
- Causal Matrices,
- Reciprocal Matrices,
- Reciprocity Estimations,
- Electrical Behavior,
- Linear Electric Networks,
- S-Parameter Quality Estimation,
- Time Domain
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/jun-fan/201/