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Proceedings of the 2019 Global Voices Symposium
Proceedings: 2019 Global Voices on the University of Dayton Campus
  • Julius A. Amin, University of Dayton
Publication Date
University of Dayton

The Global Voices Symposium is designed to educate, inform, and contribute to ongoing conversations to strengthen global consciousness and awareness on the University of Dayton’s campus and the larger Dayton community. It brings together faculty, staff, students, and community leaders to discuss and find ways to enhance global engagement within our community. It is the hope that these conversations will help us to find commonality in the human experience, identify things that unite rather than divide, and enable us to engage one another to learn and be informed. The symposium challenges us to continue to dare as we build a vibrant diverse, inclusive, and multicultural community.

These proceedings, free for download but also available for purchase in print for $5 plus tax and shipping, contain content provided by the participants. Some presenters did not include their presentation materials in the proceedings. Texts have been edited for clarity.

  • University of Dayton,
  • Immigration,
  • Race,
  • Diversity
Citation Information
Julius A. Amin. Proceedings of the 2019 Global Voices Symposium. (2019)
Available at: