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Professional Identity Construction Among New Writing Faculty
CAHSS Intellectual Conversations
  • Allison Brimmer, Nova Southeastern University
  • Juliette Kitchens, Nova Southeastern University
  • Claire Lutkewitte, Nova Southeastern University
  • Molly J. Scanlon, Nova Southeastern University
Alvin Sherman Library, 2nd Floor Gallery
Start Date
9-4-2015 5:00 PM
End Date
9-4-2015 7:00 PM

In this collaborative research project, four faculty members in the college’s Division of Humanities are investigating the experiences of new, fulltime writing faculty in order to understand the phenomenon of professional identity construction from academic training to fulltime faculty appointment. Polling a representative population of colleagues during their first three years of employment yields information about the tactics writing faculty use to construct a professional identity through teaching, research, and service.

Citation Information
Allison Brimmer, Juliette Kitchens, Claire Lutkewitte and Molly J. Scanlon. "Professional Identity Construction Among New Writing Faculty" (2015)
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