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Unpublished Paper
The defense rights and the new code of civil procedure in Benin Republic
  • Julien Coomlan Hounkpe, University of Abomey Calavi, Benin

The analysis of the new Code of Civil Procedure in terms of defense rights, highlights the improvements over the old code of civil procedure, with the embodiment of the guiding principles of the proceedings and the renovation of legal remedies.

The Benin legislator’s efforts are laudable and will improve the plights of litigants, even if the Benin Code of Civil Procedure could be criticised for reflecting too much the French law. Indeed, the provisions in the French code of civil procedure have been reproduced, sometimes without any changes in view to consolidate the defense rights in our country.

Publication Date
September, 2012
Citation Information
Julien Coomlan Hounkpe. "The defense rights and the new code of civil procedure in Benin Republic" (2012)
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