Sports Psychiatry: The Mental Health Needs of the College Athlete
Journal of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine
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Although young adulthood is often characterized by social and intellectual development and multiple transitions, college-aged individuals are also routinely exposed to situations that place them at high risk of mental health disorders. For college student-athletes, the pressures of academics, paired with the demands of a college athletic program, certainly have the potential to increase the risk of psychiatric conditions. This article will assist the clinician in understanding the unique challenges faced by the college athlete, recognize the importance of screening college athletes for mental health concerns, and appreciate unique treatment considerations.
Citation Information
Ryan Mast and Julie Gentile. "Sports Psychiatry: The Mental Health Needs of the College Athlete" Journal of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Vol. 1 Iss. 1 (2019) p. 45 - 37 Available at: