Who Should Be Seen When? Establishing Wait Time Benchmarks for Children’s Mental Health
Canadian journal of community mental health = Revue canadienne de santé mentale communautaire
To develop wait time guidelines, case vignettes were designed corresponding to varying levels of clinical urgency based on an objective measure (Western Canada Waitlist Mental Health Priority Criteria). Experts provided maximum acceptable wait times (MAWT) for each vignette. Raters’ estimates of urgency aligned with the vignettes’ designed ranking. “Very high” and “high” clinical urgency cases were assigned a mean MAWT of approximately 2 weeks and a month, respectively. For “moderate” urgent cases, the mean MAWT was 3.5 months, with a MAWT over 4 months estimated for “low” urgency cases. These results may inform local children’s mental health service triage practices.
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Citation Information
Julie Eichstedt, Devita Singh, Samantha Chen, Kerry Collins, et al.. "Who Should Be Seen When? Establishing Wait Time Benchmarks for Children’s Mental Health" Canadian journal of community mental health = Revue canadienne de santé mentale communautaire (2021) Available at: