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Solid-state microprocessor-controlled detector for doublet peak measurements in flow-injection analysis
Analytica Chimica Acta (1994)
  • Julian Tyson
  • Mary K. Carroll
  • Michael Conboy
  • Asaph Murfin
A solid-state detector for time-based transmission measurements in flow-injection analysis (FIA) based on a
light-emitting diode (LED) source and photodiode (PD) transducer with microprocessor controller is described. The
instrument components cost less than US$ 500. A simple peak-finding algorithm was capable of accurate measurements
of the time interval between doublet peaks (.:1t). Comparison of results, obtained using the detector, with
theory for an acid-base reaction with bromothymol blue indicator is made. Linear relationships between the
measured lit and the logarithm of the injected concentration were obtained for two systems whose injection volumes
were 987 and 1650 μ.l. The correlation coefficients, based on 14 and 13 data points, were 0.999 and 0.992 ,
respectively. The detector could measure transmittance signals corresponding to 0.00098 absorbance above the
  • flow injection,
  • solid state microprocessor-controlled detector
Publication Date
Citation Information
Julian Tyson, Mary K. Carroll, Michael Conboy and Asaph Murfin. "Solid-state microprocessor-controlled detector for doublet peak measurements in flow-injection analysis" Analytica Chimica Acta Vol. 295 (1994) p. 143 - 149
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