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Putting the Chemistry Back into Analytical Chemistry
Microchemical Journal (1992)
  • Julian Tyson
Aspects of the current status of and research in analytical chemistry are briefly discussed
and the need for cost effective analytical procedures is emphasized. The present and future
of a number of aspects of flow-injection analysis are considered. These include the basic
theory, the kinetic features, the control features, time-based methodology, and the coupling
of sample pretreatment with instrumentation. Several aspects of this latter topic are considered
with particular reference to the flow-injection atomic spectrometry combination.
Problems of kinetic mismatch between chemistry, manifold residence, and instrument operation
are discussed and some possible solutions proposed including the use of closed loop
  • Chemistry,
  • Analytical Chemistry
Publication Date
Citation Information
Julian Tyson. "Putting the Chemistry Back into Analytical Chemistry" Microchemical Journal Vol. 45 (1992) p. 143 - 162
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