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Infrastructure and the Law: Florida's Past, Present and Future
Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law
  • Julian C. Juergensmeyer, Georgia State University College of Law
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Infrastructure availability as a precondition for obtaining development approval is a major characteristic of growth management programs. The State of Florida has been a pioneer in the evolution of legal principles for imposing developer funding of infrastructure requirements such as impact fees and concurrency obligations. This article seeks to predict and advocate future developments within Florida and the nation in regard to infrastructure funding trends and techniques. The predictions and developments advocated include (1) unification of developer funding requirements; (2) expansion of the base and scope of infrastructure funding requirements; (3) innovative funding programs such as TIFs, CDD's, Private/Public Partnerships, and profit sharing; (4) a Florida Comprehensive Developer Funding of Infrastructure Act; and (5) state and federal funding to cure infrastructure deficiencies.


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Lexis Advance

Citation Information
Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer, Infrastructure and the Law: Florida's Past, Present and Future, 23 J. Land Use & Envtl. L. 441 (2008).