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Popular Press
Interview with Judy Halebsky
Mary: A Journal of New Writing (2015)
  • Katie Walker, Mary: A Journal of New Writing
  • Judy Halebsky, Department of Literature and Languages, Dominican University of California
Judy Halebsky is the author of the poetry collections Sky=Empty and Tree Line, both published
by New Issues Poetry & Prose. Her honors include fellowships from the MacDowell Colony, the
Millay Colony, the Vermont Studio Center, and the Japanese Ministry of Culture as well as the
Poets-Under-Forty award from Sixteen Rivers Press. Originally from Halifax, Nova Scotia, she
lived in Japan for five years training in Noh theatre and Butoh dance. In 2012, on a Graves
Award she traveled to places in Northern Honshu that Basho visited in his travel journal Narrow
Road. She now lives in Oakland and teaches at Dominican University of California.
  • Poetry,
  • Interview
Publication Date
Winter 2015
Citation Information
Katie Walker and Judy Halebsky. "Interview with Judy Halebsky" Mary: A Journal of New Writing (2015) p. 1 - 7
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